Day 129: Symphony No. 9 in D Minor (Barenboim)

This morning begins the final leg of my 144-day exploration of the nine major symphonies Bruckner wrote. However, on Day 145 I will do something I didn’t originally plan to do – go back to Symphony No. 1, with seven more conductors from seven additional CD box sets that I had omitted (intentionally or inadvertently) … [Read more…]

Day 100: Symphony No. 7 in E Major (Gielen)

If this blog were a TV series, I’d be celebrating my 100th episode today. There would be cake. And the entire cast. And the media. Cameras. Maybe a few hangers on and groupies. Maybe a few actor-wannabes sprinkled among the throng. For I’ve been blogging every day for 100 days, which deserves a “Huzzah!” just … [Read more…]

Day 93: Symphony No. 6 in A Major (Skrowaczewski)

My “office” this morning. I’m back to Baker Book House. Because of the time (a little after 7am) I’m the only one here, the first customer of the day. I love that. Just me, my Brown Sugar Pecan scone, my laptop and books, my Hawaii Kona coffee, and an empty room. This morning’s conductor of … [Read more…]

Day 65: Symphony No. 5 in B Flat Major (Barenboim)

This morning starts a brand new symphony as well as the next 16-day leg of my 144-day journey through the symphonic works of Austrian composer Anton Bruckner (1824-1896). My listening space this morning is Baker Book House, one of the largest and greatest bookstores in the Midwest. Their hours are 7am to 11pm. Let that … [Read more…]