Day 2: Symphony No. 1 in C Minor (Chailly)

This morning’s conductor of Anton Bruckner’s Symphony No. 1 in C Minor (WAB 101) is Italian Riccardo Chailly (1953-). The orchestra is Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin. There is an important distinction between this version of Bruckner’s Symphony No. 1 and the one I heard yesterday. Barenboim used the Linz version. Chailly used the Vienna version. So … [Read more…]

Day 1: Symphony No. 1 in C Minor (Barenboim)

This morning starts 144 consecutive days of exploring the symphonic works of Austrian composer Anton Bruckner (1824-1896). It’s 144 days because there are nine symphonies and 16 box sets (9×16=144), representing some 14-17 different conductors who recorded Bruckner over the last 50-60 years in venues around the world. I decided to listen to the symphonies … [Read more…]