Day 144: Symphony No. 9 in D Minor (Wand)

I made it! Today is the last day of my 144-day journey of discovery of the conductors who and symphonies that interpreted Anton Bruckner’s nine major symphonies. It’s also the last time I will set foot in a Panera restaurant. Yesterday, I had to leave one Panera because their Internet kept slowing down to a … [Read more…]

Day 141: Symphony No. 9 in D Minor (Skrowaczewski)

This morning’s conductor of Anton Bruckner’s unfinished Symphony No. 9 in D Minor WAB 109 (dedicated “to the beloved God”) is Stanislaw Skrowaczewski (1923-), the famed Polish-born artist who even has a web site with a cool name: Seeking The Infinite, which is also the title of a very fine biography about him by Dr. … [Read more…]

Day 138: Symphony No. 9 in D Minor (Masur)

This morning’s conductor of Anton Bruckner’s unfinished Symphony No. 9 in D Minor WAB 109 (dedicated “to the beloved God”) is Kurt Masur (1927-2015), another person about whom I knew nothing and of whom I had never heard until I started this project. Maestro Masur was born in Germany and died in December, 2015, at … [Read more…]

Day 134: Symphony No. 9 in D Minor (Jochum)

This morning’s conductor of Anton Bruckner’s unfinished Symphony No. 9 in D Minor WAB 109 (dedicated “to the beloved God”) is German-born Eugen Jochum (1902-1987), unarguably one of the most highly respected interpreters of Anton Bruckner’s music who ever lived. His orchestra for this performance is the Berliner Philharmoniker I have two CD box sets … [Read more…]

Day 125: Symphony No. 8 in C Minor (Skrowaczewski)

This morning’s conductor of Anton Bruckner’s Symphony No. 8 in C Minor (WAB 108), nicknamed “The Apocalyptic,” although I don’t know why, is Stanislaw Skrowaczewski (1923-), the famed Polish-born artist who even has a web site with a cool name: Seeking The Infinite, which is also the title of a very fine biography about him … [Read more…]

Day 107: Symphony No. 7 in E Major (Paternostro)

This morning’s conductor of Anton Bruckner’s Symphony No. 7 in E Major (WAB 107) is Vienna-born Roberto Paternostro (1957?-), another person about whom I knew nothing and of whom I had never heard until I started this project. I first encountered the mysterious Mr. Paternostro (the box set contains zero information about him…an there’s scant … [Read more…]

Day 102: Symphony No. 7 in E Major (Jochum)

This morning’s conductor of Anton Bruckner’s Symphony No. 7 in E Major (WAB 107) is German-born Eugen Jochum (1902-1987), unarguably one of the most highly respected interpreters of Anton Bruckner’s music who ever lived. I have two CD box sets featuring Maestro Jochum – this one, on the DG label (which I call the “White … [Read more…]

Day 98: Symphony No. 7 in E Major (Chailly)

This morning’s conductor of Anton Bruckner’s Symphony No. 7 in E Major (WAB 107) is Italian Riccardo Chailly (1953-). The orchestra is Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin. I had never heard of Riccardo Chailly before this project. So, the first time I listened to him was on October 4th, Day 2, Symphony No. 1. Then again on … [Read more…]

Day 96: Symphony No. 6 in A Major (Wand)

Today is the last time I’ll listen to Anton Bruckner’s Symphony No. 6 in A Major – at least, for the time being. Tomorrow, I start back at the beginning of my Bruckner cycle…with Daniel Barenboim – only this time with Symphony No. 7. But that’s tomorrow. Today is German-born Gunter Wand (1912-2002). The orchestra … [Read more…]

Day 94: Symphony No. 6 in A Major (Solti)

This morning’s conductor of Anton Bruckner’s Symphony No. 6 in A Major (WAB 106) is Hungarian-born Sir Georg Solti (1912-1997), an artist with a long and noteworthy career. I first heard Sir Georg Solti on Day 14 of my 144-day journey, Symphony No. 1. Then again on Day 30, Symphony No. 2. And again Day … [Read more…]