Day 128: Symphony No. 8 in C Minor (Wand)

This is the last day of listening to Bruckner’s Eighth! Tomorrow starts a new chapter – Bruckner’s Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, which (as Nigel Tufnel tells us) is “the saddest of all keys.” Actually, this time Nigel may be right since Anton Bruckner died before he could finish his Ninth. This morning’s conductor … [Read more…]

Day 126: Symphony No. 8 in C Minor (Solti)

This morning’s conductor of Anton Bruckner’s Symphony No. 8 in C Minor (WAB 108), nicknamed “The Apocalyptic,” although I don’t know why, is Hungarian-born Sir Georg Solti (1912-1997), an artist with a long and noteworthy career. His orchestra for this box set is equally revered: the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. I first heard Sir Georg Solti … [Read more…]

Day 123: Symphony No. 8 in C Minor (Paternostro)

This morning’s conductor of Anton Bruckner’s Symphony No. 8 in C Minor (WAB 108), nicknamed “The Apocalyptic,” although I don’t know why, is Vienna-born Roberto Paternostro (1957?-). I first heard the mysterious Mr. Paternostro (the box set contains zero information about him…and there’s scant info about him online) on Day 11, when he interpreted Symphony … [Read more…]

Day 119: Symphony No. 8 in C Minor (Jochum)

I saw Daniel Barenboim conduct Staatskapelle Berlin’s performance of Bruckner’s Symphony No. 8 last night at Carnegie Hall. It was an unforgettable experience. I loved every second of it. Anyway, on with the show today… This morning’s conductor of Anton Bruckner’s Symphony No. 8 in C Minor (WAB 108) (nicknamed “The Apocalyptic,” although I don’t … [Read more…]

Day 44: Symphony No. 3 in D Minor (Sanderling)

This morning’s conductor of Anton Bruckner’s Symphony No. 3 in D Minor (WAB 103), nicknamed “Wagner,” is German-born Kurt Sanderling (1912-2011), another person about whom I knew nothing and of whom I had never heard until I started this project. This is the first time I’ve listened Conductor Sanderling. So there is no frame of … [Read more…]